Do What?!

After Haeun finished her sentence, both Minjoon and Minseok look at her utterly stunned.

Just what was wrong with her? How can she even think of doing such a crazy thing as that? Haeji will definitely find out somewhere along the way and their plan will fail.

Though the risk and failure rate was high, both of them knew that it could and ultimately be their winning card against Haeji.

"Are you sure about this Haeun? There is no turning back once we started it. And as much as I hated for this to be done this way, deep inside I'm kind of happy since I always wanted this."

Minjoon was feeling complicated as he looks at Haeun with confusion in his eyes. He understood why she makes such a plan and it breaks his heart knowing so.

Though Haeun doesn't say it, he knows it was because she doesn't fully trust him yet and is just using him as a safety net in case her plan fails.

But regardless of all that, he was willing to do anything she wanted, if it means he could help her just a little even if he's hurting as he is doing so.

"I know but that's the only way to make sure her plan will never succeed. And it can be our last little present for her before she becomes trash and rot in jail. So why not? It's what you always wanted anyways."

Minjoon couldn't reply as what she said was true and makes sense. He could just sigh and nodded his head in agreement as a sign he will go through with the plan.

"Great! Then I will meet you tomorrow at noon. Make sure don't be late and dress more appealing for the happy occasion okay? Bye bye~"

Haeun's voice was cheery throughout as she bid him goodbye and drag the clueless Minseok along.

Minjoon could only look at them go, walking hand in hand like a legit married couple. He wished he could tear them apart and hold Haeun's hand just like that but he knows it would be long before that happens.

As Minseok and Haeun were walking back to where Haeji was, he looks at her a few times as if wanting to ask her a question but is unsure whether to do so.

Annoyed, Haeun asks him to speak up before its too late for him to do so.

"So.. You were with Minjoon all this while and Haeji has not a single idea of this? Just what is going on between you two? Does he know? That you and Haeji are related?"

Haeun had already expected that Minseok would ask her exactly those questions but even so, she doesn't have the answer to all of those questions currently.

"Well, I'm assuming Haeji has no idea of it since you would have been dead by now if she did. And No, he doesn't. So I'm pretty sure whatever he heard just now must be a shocker to him. I'll tell you the rest later when we have time."

She quickly cut her sentence short and made a pitiful smile as she saw Haeji waiting in the distance. She quickens her pace a bit as Minseok followed beside her with an apologetic face.

"We're so sorry for making you wait. Min was having a bad stomachache so he took such a long time in the bathroom. I hope we didn't make you wait too long.."

Haeun quickly apologizes to Haeji as she bowed her head a few times. Minseok followed her in doing so, looking very apologetic for taking Haeji's time.

On the inside, Haeji so wishes to put a bullet through their heads for wasting her time when she literally wants to get over and done with all this pathetic action and stuff.

But knowing that she can't do that and have to keep it in for the sake of her plan, she just waved her hand and smiled at them, as if she was okay with waiting.

"No no. It's okay. You don't have to apologize. Everybody needs to relieve themselves every now and then. It's not like I waited long anyways. So, shall we go?"

Her pearly white teeth sparkle as she smiles, escorting them towards their awaited vehicle.

The driver, who was one of Haeji's men, quickly open the door for them to enter as he saw them from a distance.

Haeun thanked him as he smiles in return but when he saw Haeji's burning eyes staring straight at him from the other side of the car, he hastily closes the door and took his seat, driving off quickly since he knows his boss will kill him if he took his time.

The drive was quiet with all three of them doing their own stuff but when Haeji realize that Haeun was typing too much on her phone, she got curious.

"Sorry to be nosy but who are you texting to? I realize you have been busy typing on your phone since the ride started. So I somehow got curious. Your best friend?"

Hearing Haeji's question made Haeun stop her typing abruptly. She was so focused messaging Minjoon about details of their plan tomorrow that she temporarily forgets Haeji was beside her.

She honestly was thankful that Minjoon had fixed a privacy screen protector for her phone. If not for it, Haeji would have found out about her plan.

"Oh.. Just a neighbor of ours. She was just checking up on me to see if I was okay. You know since I've just recently lost my precious baby girl. She's a nice lady that always sends me food during my pregnancy days."

Haeun had quickly made up a plausible lie as she gave a rather awkward smile. Minseok had also look back at her from the front seat worryingly, hoping Haeji would believe it and wouldn't ask further into it.

There was a minute of awkward silence in the car before Haeji just shrugged it away and continue looking out the car window.

Both Haeun and Minseok discreetly let out a sigh of relief. They honestly thought they would get caught there but luck was on their side.

Haeji didn't think much about it since she knows how nosy a neighbor can be especially when something tragic happens to you.

And it's worst if it's a woman since once they start interacting with you, they think it's an okay signal from you to start being all close and chummy. It's literally the biggest reason why she decided to move out and stayed in a condo apartment.

After about an hour or so, they have finally arrived at the main house. Haeji had alighted first, asking Haeun to wait first in the car to give her time to mentally prepare herself.

And as much as Haeun was trying to hide it, it can be seen clearly from her face that she was nervous.

Although she knows that all of this was just a part of Haeji's plan to eliminate her, she can't deny the fact that this will be her first time meeting with her grandparents and actual parents after such a long time.

Thousands of question was playing in her mind and she just can't seem to calm herself down. Minseok saw this and gently took hold of her hands.

"It's all going to be okay. You're finally back where you belong. So go out there, claim back your place and teach that bitch who's the one in charge."

Hearing Minseok's words made her giggle as she finally gets to calm herself down. She honestly didn't expect such words from him but it did indeed calm her down, so she thanked him for it.

"I know you probably want to hear such words from someone else other than me but I meant what I said. So now it's your time to repay her 'kindness' for sending you back where you belonged."

Haeun gave a confident nod as a reply before taking a deep breath and releasing out all the nervousness in her system. She looks back at Minseok and smiles.

"Let's start at phase one. Remember, stay in sync with our story. If you forget, just let me answer it for you. Nicknames only and don't forget to act all romantic and sweet with each other."

"We're supposed to be deeply in love and we can't let people say otherwise. We do this right and I will give you whatever you want once it's done, okay?"

Just before Minseok could reply, Haeji came back towards the car with a beaming smile and looking all excited.

Haeun knew that Haeji must want to kill herself in the inside for needing to pretend as such when in all honesty, she didn't want that situation to happen at all.

She already can read what was on Haeji's mind at that very moment and she's all the more delighted with the fact that Haeji had no idea that she's helping Haeun set everything into place.

"Are you ready to meet everyone? They're excited and anxious to meet you. All of them are waiting for you in the living room. I can give you a few more minutes if you want."

Haeun thought for a moment before shaking her head in reply. She was more than ready and she too was anxious to meet all of them, especially Haeji's mother.

Since she was the mastermind behind all of this, Haeun ought to remember her face and return back all the favor she had given her.