CH. 1

Dear readers and followers,

I have big dreams for this book. So I will be updating and editing a lot. Please be warned. Excuse any random changes as I working to make this book almost perfect.  Thank you. Enjoy this Chapter! (*^^*)//


Chapter One ( 1 )


In the cold, dark night, the wolf could tell that rain was coming. Standing in the shadows of a cold March night, it's fur black. He blended into his surroundings. Reaching eight feet, his body built of strong muscle beneath the thick, dark coat of sleek design. Dark fur that shifted with the wind and covered his entire body. A low rumble escaped the creature.

The male wolf's large paws shifted on the ground silently, anticipation in his bones. He was made for this; a bred predator at birth, born to kill than sit on a throne. This was his place yet, many didn't agree. Prominent blue eyes pierced the darkness, scanning in front him silently. A wet nose sniffed the air for prey. Several other wolves, not as large as their Great leader, stood waiting for their orders.

"They're close, " the black wolf rasped, his voice strong and deep. Authoritive and respected, the other dressed back,hiding in the thicket of the trees."Be ready, Shifters. "

The large wolves stood their ground, furs on edge and ears drawn back against their bulky heads, awaiting in the darkness for their enemies. Exhors have been a threat to Inhumans for centuries.

Humans who have sold their souls and become heartless, painless hunters for an evil God known as the Gysen.

Footsteps rang out in the far distance, thundering against the earth gaining distance. The rancid scents of the soulless humans stung the Shifters noses. As the hellfire beat of exhors got louder, the wolves lowered their stances, ready to pounce.

Just as the first soulless was in sight, the grey clouds rumbled like beating war drums, the first drop of rain fell from the Heavens and a centuries old battle began.


The Toyota pulled aside.

Nessa wasn't planning on visiting her father today, but things change. Stepping out of the white Toyota, she made her way down the walkway. Her father lived thirty minutes away from the town and was city cop. He quit his job almost a year ago and currently works as a small time architect.

Knocking on the door, Nessa fixed her gray sweater, due to the sudden cold weather this new year, she was dressed comfortably. A sweater, blue denim jeans, a scarf and fur boots.

Richard Anderson, a past Police officer smiled and welcomed his daughter.

"This is a surprise, " Richard said as he closed the door. "What's the occasion?"

Nessa shook her head, "Okay, first of all, hello. And please don't rub it in that I don't visit you often. " She stated. "I came because I missed you and this was only place that could get my mind off of work."

Richard grinned and opened his arms. Nessa rolled her eyes, but walked into her father's warm embrace.

"I knew you'd grow up and you wouldn't need me as much now but.. " he hugged his daughter tighter. " Try slowing down please, Ness. Don't push yourself to much, okay?"

Vanessa sighed into her father's hug and nodded a 'yes'.

"So, what do you wanna do? " Her dad asked.

"Anything. "


Vanessa spent the night at her father's. The next day they wasted it together. She couldn't remember the last time she had fun with her dad. Over the years she'd been putting her job first. It was only her and her father since she known herself.

Nessa never met her mother, her father told her many stories ; ' She had to leave, princess.' 'She loved you but had to go. '

However Nessa knew the truth. If her mother did love her she wouldn't have left her and her father.

But, she had her half sister, Amelia and her step mother Marita. The girls had met when they were newly teens. At first, Ness expected her step mom to be a stuck up golddigger yet, Marita proved that she loved Nessa's dad.

They'd grown to love each in due time.

"So you'll call tomorrow?" Dad asked as he opens the car door.

"Of course, I promise." She kissed his cheek and hugged him once more before brushing back his ruffled brown hair. The sides had stripes of grey. "Your getting old, dad." she teased.

"Oh, pff!! Forget my hair." He whined. "See you next Sunday? "

"Yeah, at ten."

"Good. And tell, Mari I said bye. "

"Of course. "

Getting into the car, she started her trusty Toyota and drove off, her father waving in the distance.

Now, it was back to work. Vanessa worked at Lincoln Journal Star, where she lived in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Once she was back in the town, stuck in a bit of traffic, mostly due to the sudden heavy snow, she used this time to neaten herself up. Passing her fingers through her waves of light brown hair, she paste cream on her skin and face. After another fifteen minutes, she was parked up at work, still ten minutes early.

Greeting Paula at the information desk, then Sam at his clerk desk , Nessa went past the manger's office to her cubicle. Lara Mitchell, Vanessa's work partner was there waiting with a smile.

"Hey, girly. How was it at dad's? "

"Morning to you too, Lara."

"Yeah, yeah morning to you too ,honey." Lara took her seat at her cubicle, "So, did you enjoy your weekend?"

Nessa could not hide her smile. She'd known Lara for the three years she'd worked here. Lara was a short, sweet, funny woman with short blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Yes, I actually did. Dad and I did some catching up. I hung out with my step mom as well. It was... pretty fun."

"Good, I'm glad it went well. My parents are total pains. "

"Oh, you shouldn't say that. "

"If you met them, you'd know- ohh!! " Lara cut herself short. "Look who's here!! "


Ace cursed himself softly as he sat in the black Chevy Cruze. He really hoped she was here... And she wouldn't turn him down again. Couldn't stop thinking about her.

Ever since she showed up at the crime scene two months ago, he'd been hooked. There was just something about the her,  maybe it was just an instant attraction or something else but, he wanted to find out.

" Damn it , Andrew! You can do this!" He told himself. "You've shot countless criminals and interrogate several perps. What was so frickin' hard bout asking out a woman?!"

' But not just any woman, fool. ' His thought said. ' And you know it. She's rejected the offer twice, already. She obviously not interested. Why do you think she'll accept this time? '

"Cause thrice the charm-why the hell am I talking to myself?! "

'  'Cause you an ass, '

"Fuck it!"

Jumping out the Cruze, Ace traced his steps for the third time this month. He didn't change from working last night like he'd did the first two times. He was himself. And he was a slight workaholic with some problems that only he could solve.

Black pants, grey shirt, g-shock watch on his wrist, black shoes. His auburn hair a mess from leaving the window down while driving. A slight beard was forming on his jawline while his dark green eyes burned with a strange hope. A police badge on his hip and an automatic, black, SIG glock right next to it.

'Turn around, fool.'

' No! No giving up, now! '

' You're a total sap for falling hard. '

Getting closer, he passed the Manager's office and he saw her at her cubicle like he did the first two times. She seemed to be talking with a work partner.

' Damn! ' he cursed inside. ' You fell hard. So fucking hard! '

      Vanessa Anderson was gorgeous form head to toe. Long locks of light brown hair bounced as she moved. Her bright blue eyes made sapphires shit themselves and they seem to brighten as she laughed. Pink lips made to be kissed, a slim waist that was formed to be held my a man and thighs made to rub. And that wasn't all. She came with a perfect ass that was made to be squeezed. Maybe it was a physical attraction but, Ace had like her smart mind and curiosity as well.

    She was the only woman that had rejected him and made him rethink his life choices. Could he see a future with her? She was as stubborn as him and hard willed, focusing on her work like would. He could not see her as just a girlfriend or one night stand. She was one to marry and buy a house for. He doubted that she was the housewife type.

However, that wasn't just it. She had this presence; so calm and alluring. She,  he could tell was different. She wasn't like any of the women he had been with. She, for some reason made him chase after her like he was a teenager all over again, going after a high school crush. It was something he didn't know how to explain. But, he just knew he liked her for her personality.

' You're staring asshole. '

"Hello, Officer McKenzie. " She greeted sweetly, looking up at him from her seat.

"Hi, "

' Get it over with!' his thoughts snapped and he questioned his sanity for the hundredth time.

" I was wondering.. Nessa.. if you like to go out with me? Tonight? "

   I mean, what did he have to loose?

He would still have bodily and weird headaches afterwards and insurance to pay and a job to go to. He would still, unfortunately, lay awake at night again and contemplate life when she says no.

And it wasn't like she ccould say anything worse that no. She wasn't the type to be mean and he could handle no. Well, maybe. It was different with her. But, if she did, he'd give up. It was rude and obnoxious to keep trying when she obviously didn't want anything to do with him.

     Sad sap.


Vanessa had to admit, Andrew 'Ace McKenzie was attractive. Woman fawned over him.

He worked as a cop and ever since he saw her at a crime scene some months ago, he'd been asking her out.

He was a persistent sucker, that's for sure. She had to admit, be was also a good guy. Which was really rare these days, she could tell he was the type that set his eyes on something and worked to get it. When he did, he would take care of it more than he did himself.

Looking over at Lara, whom mouthed 'Give the guy a chance. '

Sighing, it didn't hurt to try, she thought as she looked back at Ace. Biting the inside of her lip she said, " Tonight? What time exactly? "

The cop's eyes seem to widen. " Really? Wait- you're aggreeing? "

"Yeah, " she laughed.

" Um , great! Can eight thirty do? "

"That'd be great. "

"Oh, wow. I- I was kinda expecting you to turn me down- but this is great. So, tonight? "

"Yep, tonight. "

"Uhh, Nessa, thanks for giving me a chance. I can promise that you won't regret it." he assured her and when she smiled, he smiled, like the total sap that he was.

Ace gave a nervous laugh, before leaving, he gave her a small wave.

" Ohhh! You have a date! " Lara exclaimed. " Ace is so fine!!" Lara did a soft whistle as she fanned herself.

Yay, Vanessa thought to herself. This date would be a one time thing. She wasn't looking for love in her life as yet. Yes, Andrew was a nice guy and she would be lying if he wasn't attractive. She could give him a chance, however, this would end like all the others had.

  Badly, with her putting her job first or just not interested any more after a few weeks of dating. It wasn't the guys,  they had all been gentlemen, the three she had dated in her adulthood. But, she didn't fawn over them as normal women with their partners. Plus, it never led to sex. She just never felt the thrill of it.

  Maybe it was wrong to pity him but, she knew that this would end. Even though Ace worked like her. Always on the go.

And he was different. He just gave her a comforting feeling whenever he was near. He wasn't a pervert and didn't pursue for just sex. He seemed entirely interested in her, all-round. However, she was unsure how to approach a relationship, knowing how all the rest had ended.

She did have a second thought, that maybe she should put some work into it and try. Maybe they'll work out.

    With her luck, maybe was right.




The Black wolf sunk it's dagger like teeth into the neck of his enemy. Black blood spewing from the punctures and fouling the wolf's mouth. Once the soulless stopped moving, the Shifter spit the bastards body out. That was the last of it, for now.

Acknowledging the remaining of his kin, he noticed many were wounded and some were lost to the wrath of evil.

'How could he say that? They were all far from good. '

The dead would be mourned respectively, it was a sad thing to return back to the pack and tell the parents and lovers of their fallen. It hurt him almost as much as it did them.

As a King and a Warrior,he felt the pain of the his People and strived to provide and protect them, as it was his duty. He was born to lead and so he did. Not from a throne but, also the battlefield where he thrived and assisted any way he could. All his years as a king, The Wolf had learnt one thing, he didn't like to sit back.  He abhorred being on that throne. Seated and comfortable as others served a true purpose and his natural intuition slowly died.

So, against the Council and the Laws, he shifted and fought with his Warrior brothers. Experiencing a sense of responsibility and respect for them and finding his true calling under the Moon.

Though they may fight to protect what they cared about, nevertheless they had caused countless blood spell. Even if its was the blood of the soulless it mattered as if it was the blood of the innocent. And they have fought with their common enemy for thousands of years. The eradication of exhors was a necessity for Inhumans as they endangered them.

All were tired as bodies of the Exhors began to decay around them. Once water had touched their dead bodies, it rottens, leaving nothing behind. As skilled killers, trained by none other that his trusted Friend, were all taught and bred to be clever and deadly.

The Black Wolf, the Alpha Male, said unto his Pack warriors,  "This is a Victory, Shifters! We may be weakened, we have lost our brethren but, we have triumphed!! We are weak as one, but together we are strong! Together we are a pack! "

The clouds above had dispersed, the air becoming humid and cold against wet fur. The Black Wolf threw back his head, dark fur bristling in the night's wind. Big paws soaked with the thickness of Soulless' blood and his hefty dark tail behind him. And let out his call of a mourning victory, to the darkened night. One by one,the wolves, his Warriors, all bloodied and exhausted, joined their King in a howl of triumph, loss of brothers and pain, under the glimmering light of the Silvery Moon.


Hoped everyone enjoyed the first chapter of Darkness Untold™. Please leave comments and press that star. Loves to all. 😘 Sorry for any mistakes.