Chef Isley and going the Blood City

Wu Tian was looking at the decorations of the tavern and its savvy style when saw a waiter walk over but the waiter had a face of disdain as he saw Wu Tian's plain clothing and wearing a Demon Mask. The waited handed a menu over to Wu Tian who after a few seconds ordered: "I would like the Grilled Salmon with red wine."

The waiter wrote down the order and asked: "This is a 3 gold coin meal, do you have the money to pay?"

Wu Tian reached into his bag and took out 3 gold coins and put it on the table. The waiter who was disdaining Wu Tian earlier felt his ears warm up as he collected to coins and put up the order.

After a 20 minute wait, the waiter walked over with a glass of red wine and a plate of grilled salmon and vegetables. Wu Tian ate his first bite and he felt his taste buds exploding with delicious flavors. Wu Tian knew that since he was in a casual area the food wouldn't give any buffs but if this food was taken to a raid it would give insane buffs. Wu Tian enjoyed the rest of the meal and wine, he then walked up to the waiter, he then took out the letter that Grandmaster Josce gave him with a stamp on it and asked: "Can I meet the chef, I have a letter to deliver him."

The waiter looked at Wu Tian then at the letter, after a second the waiter had a face of realization then shock as he said: "I am sorry Young Master for asking for money, I will take you directly to the chef."

The Waiter led Wu Tian into the kitchen. Wu Tian saw a man who looked about 40 years old cooking food, the waiter was about to go speak to Chef Isley but Wu Tian grabbed the Waiters shoulders and shook his head saying not to disturb the chef while he was working. The waiter understood and stood next to Wu Tian while they waited for Chef Isley to finish cooking.

Wu Tian watched the whole process and Chef Isley's hand was smooth while he danced around the ingredients and Chef Isley had perfect proportions even though he never used a measuring tool during the entire process.

The chef saw that the waiter was inside the kitchen with a plain looking boy wearing a mask. Wu Tian forgot about the mask and took it off while he showed the letter to Chef Isley.


Wu Tian spent a month learning the cooking skills, Chef Isley's hard face shattered when he started crying after he read the letter and he even promised Wu Tian that he would teach him everything he knew. It took a month for Wu Tian reached grandmaster level because of Wu Tian's experience with tailoring and the necessity of delicate movements, another thing that made it easy was Wu Tian's ability to measure the number of liters of ingredients he uses due to his Soul Power. With the Soul Power, he could use his soul to count how much instead of having to use physical tools. This made Wu Tian admire Chef Isley even more since he used his pure experience to pull off the same thing Wu Tian had to use Soul Power for.

After the end of the month and Wu Tian about to leave the tavern, he was stopped by Chef Isley, Wu Tian knew that this is when they gave him the special item due to him reaching grandmaster level, Chef Isley broke from his cold detached face and started crying again "You are like the son I never had, I didn't have a person to pass on my teachings but having a student that was taught by my two other brothers are makes me feel closer to them than we have been for the last 20 years. Take this pan and letter, the pan is my lucky pan and has special powers and the letter has a map that will lead you to Grandmaster Alchemist's Freer secret room and will persuade him to take you on as a student with the 3 of us. With you having all of our inheritances we can let out guard down a little and maybe we can meet each other again."

Wu Tian saw the emotions from this NPC and didn't feel like this was a game at all, he promised himself that he would do anything in his power to bring these 4 brothers back together no matter what. Wu Tian then saw a pop-up

"Chef Isley has left his hopes and dreams with you, he has given you the Chef's Divine Pan to aid in your journey."


Wu Tian left the taveren and saw a suprising sight, it was actually Crimson Queen and some of the Crimson Blood Guild Members, Wu Tian inspected the Crimson Queen

ID: Crimson Queen(Crimson Mage)

Lv: 30


MP: 1300

(All other info is hidden)

Wu Tian remembered from the news that Crimson Mage was an epic grade hidden class that focused on destruction but had low health and movement speed. But since Crimson Queen was supported by guild members she never faced any problems. On the other side of the street was just one man, he had long hair and a Japanese face. Wu Tian inspected him

ID: Light Sword(Light Swordsmen)




(All other info is hidden)

Wu Tian had never heard of any class like the Light Swordsmen and guessed it was a hidden class. Wu Tian felt the killing intent from the Crimson Blood Guild and Light Sword. He was confused what Light Sword was going to do against an entire group of people on the other side, and even though he felt this was bullying he wouldn't do anything unless he was certain.

Light Swords spoke to Crimson Queen in a cold voice "Why are you blocking my way, I won the duel fair and square and yet you come back and try to kill me again, Inside a city as well?"

Crimson Queen gave a chilling smile as she answered: "Yes you did beat us and we just simply want to talk, join our guild and you will gain a lot of influence and power, right now you are very skilled but you are also poor and have no background to help you."

Light Sword chuckled "Wasn't that what the duel was for if I lost I joined you guys but If I win I get 100 gold coins and you won't force me to do anything. So why did you bring your entire raid team with you."

Crimson Queen answered "There is a raid nearby that we are going too and we hoped that you would change your mind and accept my generous offer but you think you are like Martial Asura. As the first legendary player, he has the right to decline our offers for now but you are a lowly swordsman. You might be safe for right now but you won't get a chance to regret it when even Martial Asura will fall before the Crimson Blood Guild."

Wu Tian to the side chuckled at this challenge, if they knew he was standing right there would they still be so arrogant. Wu Tian saw the crowd disperse, he started walking out of town and towards Blood City where he would finish the quest and learn alchemy from Alchemist Freer.