Chapter 65: Watching You

Yuliah didn't know you could crave a Man's touch this much. She bit his bottom lip. "Ryas," then clung to his neck. "I need you," she desperately said. Then kissed him hungrily and pulled frantically at his clothes.

With both hands on the sides of her face, Ryas tilted Yuliah's head back and studied her. When his eyes met with Yuliah's, hints of violet glowed from inside those light brown eyes, "Yuliah," he released his Ethereal Spirit. He knew it wasn't just the effects of the blood binding; he could sense more. "I used the blood binding on you the other day," he said. "It mixed with the mark and its running unstable inside you. That's why you're so impulsive." She didn't have any control over either force.

"Nooo..." she struggled against his hold. "Leave it! When you touch me, my entire body comes alive. It feels incredible," she pushed back against him. "I want you now."

He chuckled, "Right here in the open? In front of everyone?"

"We could go back to your room instead." Yuliah's honey eyes tugged at his desires.

"You want it that bad?"

"I do," she kissed him hard.

Back across the field, Lohan filled their cups with wine. "Those two have no shame, do they?" He sipped from his glass. "She seems a bit different tonight don't you think Zehan? She's usually very bold but quiet."

Zehan glanced over, "You're right; she's different tonight for sure." Zehan picked up his glass and drank.

"She's like a female in heat," The Captain sat up.

Zehan and Lohan turned to the Captain. "That's it!"

"Do you think it's the poison still in that girl's system?" Lohan asked.

"No, that wore off a while ago. This is something different. She only became like this when the General touched her," Zehan observed closer.

Across the field, Ryas pressed his fingertips to Yuliah's head, then enter her mind. He sensed for his Ethereal Spirit. When he found it, Ryas forced it to flow through the blocked blood veins.

A warmth swept over and through her body. Ryas looked right into Yuliah's eyes when he cleared the Ethereal tension. She gasped, and then went soft but he caught her just in time.

"Feel better now?" Ryas teased.

Yuliah's eyes closed, letting the tingling sensations pass. "I hate you, and that smug look on your face."

"Don't lie to yourself," he lifted Yuliah to her feet. "Come, the King wants to meet my wife officially," and their fingers entwined around each other.

"You told them?" Yuliah asked. She didn't think he would tell anyone about them. He always came off as very private Man.

"Why not? We're not in a secret relationship."

"No, we're not," and she squeezed his hand - happy that he openly admitted to their relationship.

Suddenly she twirled into his arms, "Go back with me. I miss you, and we need to talk," his caring voice convinced Yuliah to agree.

"Yes, and you have a lot of explaining to do, but I did miss you a lot," she swallowed her pride. Yuliah no longer wanted to be mad at him. All the intense emotions she experienced in the past few days were gone. It's due to the blood binding that she almost killed him. Feeling guilty Yuliah rubbed his arm. "I'm sorry about almost killing you. I don't know what came over me. Nomen's are very territorial when it comes to their mates. If you don't want to die, you should be very careful in the future," she joked.

"Yea, I'll remember that. I didn't know how crazy you females can get until that moment."

Over at the table, Lohan shook his head, "Did he just mind fuck his wife, and now they are back together? How long did that take like five to ten minutes?"

"Looks about right," Zehan laughed. "I told you not to underestimate General Ryas," then he adjusted his posture and waited for Ryas and Yuliah to walk over.

She quietly followed Ryas over to the tables where Zehan, Lohan, and the Captain sat. Yuliah avoided making eye contact with anyone, especially after what they all witnessed.

"Meet my wife, the woman in the red dress," one corner of his lip raised as Ryas brought Yuliah forward.

All three Men's face blushed but greeted Yuliah. Did this mean the General wasn't angry with them?

Ryas pointed. "You know King Zehan, his Brother Lohan, and he's one of my Captains. You've met before under different circumstances, but today it'll be my family meeting my wife for the first time.

"King, Zehan," Yuliah bowed.

They fought Nomens together, escaped death, and faced off with one of the most powerful Men in the North - Advisor Biah, but hadn't been introduced to one another properly.

Zehan stood up, "Please just call me Zehan," he said. "Who would have thought my savior would turn into my sister in law," he patted Yuliah's hand.

Next, Yuliah bowed to Lohan, "Prince Lohan."

Lohan yanked Yuliah towards him and hugged tightly, "Don't pretend to be so proper with me. I know you're a crazy woman."

Ryas glared at him, and he immediately released Yuliah.

Yuliah turned to the Captain and bowed. She recognized him as the boyishly handsome Man who approached her earlier and asked for a dance. Thankfully she turned him down politely. It made this meeting less awkward.

"I need to talk to my wife privately. We'll be back," Ryas informed them.

Lohan winked at the General, "Sure. You two go ahead and talk. We'll be here waiting."

Being dragged away, "You want to talk privately in your room?" Yuliah asked.

"Yes, didn't you say you would go back with me," Ryas lifted Yuliah onto the horse and climbed up.

"I thought that would be later because I came here with two other girls and I can't leave them behind." She had to make sure Tane and Vera returned to the Brothel without getting in trouble. Plus she also needed to free them.

"It's still early out. Your friends will be safe with my Captains, and we'll be back. I want to hear you scream my name again," he whispered with a hand around Yuliah's waist and pulled her up against him.

The way he said it, cut through her thoughts, and she turned to face him. No Man in this world could be as wonderfully arousing as Ryas - her heart fluttered. Yuliah leaned up, lost in the tenderness of his gaze, and kissed his lips. Forget their misunderstandings or revenge right now. She just wanted to be close to him like this again. "Hurry up," she said. That insatiable hunger for him began to build up.

He bellowed out a laugh before pulling the reins hard.

They made it back to the Inn but could barely keep their hands off each other. Ryas flipped Yuliah around, "This dress..." He touched the exposed flesh, and she suddenly lifted into his arms as he kissed the tip of Yuliah's chin down to her chest.

With both legs secured around his waist. "I missed you so much," Yuliah untucked his shirt then loosened his belt. She missed those strong arms. All she wanted at that moment was to be tangled up in them.

He hiked up Yuliah's skirt, "You're so beautiful. You should wear red more. I love it on you."

Ryas didn't know that Iyna moved rooms and stayed right across the hallway from him. She'd been waiting all night for him to return, and when Iyna heard a commotion outside the door, she rushed over. With the door opened Iyna peeked through the crack.

Rage and anger coursed through Iyna's body at the sight of Ryas and Yuliah. She also had the Ethereal Spirit, and it released on its own, and both eyes glowed red

Ryas finally managed to unlock the door then nudged it open with his foot, and Yuliah hung onto him, kissing every part of his neck. A soft palm slid underneath his shirt and rubbed his stomach muscles. Amused, he laughed and carried her inside.

Across the hallway, Iyna watched with clenched fists. She underestimated that human slut. Iyna thought that whore would be just another good time for him, but for Ryas to show this much affection towards her, it meant more. Iyna's heart dropped, she pushed the door wider and stepped out into the hallway trembling.

Too busy touching one another to notice who stood watching their very public display of affection towards one another. Once inside their room, Ryas kicked the door behind him, and it slammed shut in Iyna's face, waking her from an angry trance.

Ryas brought Yuliah over to the bed and laid her down. She lifted her head off the bed teasingly and watched him undress, "I thought we were going to talk," Yuliah smiled at him. She doubted their talk would happen now. Oh well, she wanted him badly.

He walked over to the bed confident and completely naked, giving Yuliah a clear view of his chiseled body from head to toe. It'd been too long since she'd seen him completely naked. He looked amazing. Not wanting to miss one detail, she kept her eyes on him.

"When I'm done with you. we'll talk," he flashed Yuliah a smirk then knelt in front of her. His hands went for her skirt and underwear - slowly pulling it down her legs.

Yuliah giggled, "What are you doing?"

Ryas pushed her legs apart and began placing soft kisses on one of her legs. He cocked his head up at her, "I said I wanted to hear you scream my name," then shot her a devilish smile before going back to kissing her inner thighs.

Yuliah suddenly thought back to the first dirty dream of Ryas months ago. No! That's what he's going to do. She recalled his lips between her legs and then tensed when his mouth finally drew closer to the junction between her thighs.

"You're going to love this," Ryas smoldering eyes looked up at her before he disappeared back between her thighs.

She gasped when his warm tongue rolled over her slit, not just once but several times and her head flopped back onto the bed. "Amazing," her legs fell further apart. His tongue stroked her again, and she flushed. She exhaled and then drew in another breath when he licked her but harder.

After several minutes a wave of heat rose from between her legs, and she moaned. How could something like this exist? Yuliah's breathes turned heavy right when his tongue touched, and then his lips suck down on her bud. She whimpered softly - gripping the blanket she laid on top of.

How could he be this good with his tongue? Did he do this before? She didn't have time to think about it because her bottom tightened as Ryas repeated the motion over and over until she couldn't hold back any more, "Ryas!" She cried out, and all the pent up desire exploded. Yuliah panted - her head spinning.

"There it is," he lifted his head gloriously as he admired the flush and raised bumps across her body.

Outside, Iyna's head pressed up against the door listening. That slut she mouthed. She would never allow Ryas to be with that woman. Iyna took comfort in knowing that Ryas chose to be alone all these years. That's the hope she carried on for, and that one day they would be all that's left, and he'd have no other choice but to accept her, but this woman crushed those hopes. She put an ear back against the door and listened.

Inside the room, Ryas stood up and stretched his hand out for Yuliah. She took it excitedly because he could come up with the best things for them to do. Guiding Yuliah to the edge of the bed, he stood in front of her. "Did you enjoy that?" and removed the top she wore.

Yuliah's pink nipples stiffened after Ryas rubbed and pinched them roughly between his fingers. Blushing, "I loved it like you said I would," she locked eyes onto what began to grow between his legs. She'd never seen it this close before. Impressed Yuliah leaned in to inspect it. "Let me see it closer," she held it in her hands and stroked him. It was soft at first, but the more her hands touched him, he grew and hardened.

"Look up at me," Ryas said.

Still stroking him, Yuliah forced herself to look up.

Ryas noticed and laughed. "It's all yours," he took over and held himself to her mouth. "Come here," and brought the tip right up to her lips, "Kiss me."

Only things that she could eat and parts of his body had been in her mouth but not this for sure. Excited, Yuliah gave him a sultry smile before touching the tip of his member with her lips. "Kiss you here, like this," she kissed then pulled him into her mouth. His erection began to harden more.

"Just like that and suck," his hand slipped to the back of Yuliah's head and grabbed a handful of hair roughly but not enough that it would hurt.

There's no way she could fit it all inside her mouth, but she began to suck anyways while his hand guided her head up and down, but he only gave her as much as she could take, then he turned harder. She had no idea he would taste this good, or get this hard, and she sucked more. Yuliah could sense his arousal building when she rested a hand on his thigh.

"Look up at me," Ryas breathed in a raspy voice.

Yuliah's honey eyes gazed up and couldn't believe how pleased he looked.

"You look gorgeous," he said.

She wanted to do more for him, especially with that satisfied expression on his face, and she continued to suck on him for several more minutes before he pulled away. She could tell he was ready.

When he leaned Yuliah back onto the bed, he positioned himself between her thighs. "I miss you, Tigress," with one hard push he was deep inside her moist heat and a moan burst out of her throat.

Finally, the need for him would be satisfied. "RYAS," Yuliah's back arched when he thrust himself deeper inside, but he gave it to her hard and slow. The bed creaked as he picked up the pace and she slipped into complete bliss, and moaned, forgetting all the bad that happened between them in the past few weeks. Being here with him, that's all she ever wanted.

"Look at me," he said and continued pumping into her.

Yuliah stared into his eyes, and she sensed it a joining of their souls. Yuliah thought only pure bred Nomens could bind their mates during sex. Did she have that same ability as well? Could this be it? She didn't care at this point, Ryas said forever, and forever it is. Yuliah kissed him, sealing their bond. She would tell him later.

BOOM... BOOM... BOOM... The door to their room shook. RYAS help me! A woman screamed from the outside.

Yuliah and Ryas jolted from their high and both their eyes shot to the door.