Ronnie flipped over to the next page. The words "MAYA" were beautifully written in calligraphy.
Ronnie paused, ' So, Jayne's actual name is Maya.' He repeated the words to himself like a mantra. 'What a beautiful, mystical name! Maya! My Jayne has got such a beautiful name!' His mood lighted. He was curious to read further. He flipped over to the next page.
On the next page was a family picture with the caption, "I love my family!" Ronnie guessed that must be Jayne's parents along with little Jayne. 'Ah! My Jayne was so cute from the beginning!' He beamed.
He flipped over to the next page. The way it was written, Ronnie guessed that Jayne had written this when she was young.
Dear diary,
Hello! Let me introduce myself to you. I'm Maya. I'm studying in Class 5 at Hill View Public School. My mother's name is Sona and my dad's name is Arya. I'm the only daughter to my parents. I've no siblings. But I've lots of pet fish in my aquarium at home. They're my best friends. Of them, I love Jennie the most. It's my favourite fish.
I'm so glad I've you to share everything I want to. You know I've nobody to play with or talk to. Even Jennie will only hear to me. But she won't reply, I feel so lonely.
But today, my teacher in school said, that we have to cultivate the habit of maintaining a diary. Even if we don't write everyday, we can at least write when something good or bad happens.
Today I'm writing because, today daddy, mommy and Maya went to the park in the evening. We had lots of fun eating ice cream, waffles, toffees, cupcakes. Dad even played a shooting game for me and won a Mickey Mouse for me.
I'm so happy. Mickey Mouse is also my best friend now along with Jennie. I love you Mickeyyyyy. You are the best. In future, please marry me and not Minnie Mouse. Please Mickey Mouse.
Oh well, I haven't named you yet right. Well from now on I'll call you Nadia. She was my best friend at school. But recently she died because of some illness. So even school feels lonely without her.
Bye for today. I'll come back to you soon my diary. Sorry sorry sorry Nadiaaaa. I love you.
Ronnie sighed. "Umm Jayne.. Maya... interesting!"
He flipped over the page.
He felt something odd with the page. It seemed like water droplets had crumpled the page. Ronnie thought, 'It must be that she'd spilt water here.'He continued reading..
Dear Nadia,
Today is a very bad bad bad day.
Ronnie frowned on reading the first line. 'Bad bad bad day?' He continued reading.
Last week daddy went on a business trip. While daddy was away, Amar uncle came home today in the evening. I opened the door for him and ran towards him greeting him, Hello uncle. He hugged me saying, Hello sweetheart.
I invited him to come inside and sit and called mommy to come.
Mommy Amar uncle is here. I ran towards the kitchen. Mommy had prepared tea for herself. She decided to give it to uncle. She got in a tray of water, tea and some snacks to munch on.
Hello Mrs Arya. How have you been doing. Has Arya not yet returned home from office? Uncle asked very formally.
Arya has gone out on a business trip. He'll be back today. Please have some tea. She bent forward to give the tea.
But somehow while giving the tea, it slipped out of her hands and the tea got spilt on Amar uncle's shirt.
Mommy panicked. Oh I'm so sorry Mr Amar. I don't know how it slipped out of my hands. Let me help you in washing it. She hastily tried to wipe the tea from uncle's shirt from her dupatta*.
Just then daddy came home announcing I'm back. But he got very angry on seeing mommy wiping the tea off uncle's shirt.
He started scolding very loudly, Amar what are you doing here in my house when I'm not present. From how many days are you both doing this? Don't you care that a kid is around and how it'll affect her? I'm ashamed to call you my best friend and she my wife. You all back something me. (AN: back stabbed) You all cheated me. It's over now. It's all over. Carry on. Goodbye.
Both mommy and uncle tried to explain to him. It isn't what you think. Look I've spilt tea on his shirt. So I was helping him. Don't think otherwise Arya. How could you even think like that?
Even I said to daddy, mommy made a mistake and spilt tea on uncle's shirt for which he scolded me as well for siding with them and just walked out of the house without turning around.
Since he was shouting so loudly, all the neighbours surrounded our house and they started talking and making loud noises among themselves.
Mommy started crying Oh my God what have I done. One moment changed everything. Arya didn't even give me a chance to explain. He jumped into conclusions just because I was holding Amar's hands. How could he do this to us?
I really didn't understand what made daddy so angry. He didn't pick me up or hug or kiss me. Am I that bad? Mommy is also not bad. Uncle is also not bad. Why did he tell we cheated him?
Ronnie smoldered with resentment towards her dad on reading the letter. 'How could he not let his wife explain to him? How could he conclude things about his wife and best friend just because he saw her wiping his shirt?' Ronnie could feel rage flowing through him like lava.
His anger further spiked up for the way he treated his own daughter and how he hurt that innocent soul. He slammed his fist hard on the table to such an extent that the table was beginning to develop cracks.