Jayne thought that Dr William Scott must be here to check on Ronnie. She changed into a more formal cotton dress. She gave Ronnie a t-shirt to wear. She then went downstairs to call the doctor.
To her surprise, it wasn't Dr William Scott, the doctor treating Ronnie but Dr Henry Thomas, family doctor to the Roys and also the doctor who treated Jayne after she came to London.
With a gentle smile, Jayne greeted Dr Henry Thomas. "Hello doctor! Long time! How have you been?" She shook hands with him.
"Hello Jayne! Rather you tell me, how are you doing?" Dr Henry Thomas smiled.
"Better doctor." Jayne shook her head with a gentle smile.
"So where's Ron? How's he doing now?" Dr Henry Thomas enquired.
"Even he's getting better doctor. I think you should ask him yourself." Jayne led Dr Henry Thomas towards their bedroom.
Ronnie got up from the bed and sat down on the couch. His head was slightly hurting. So, he leaned against the headboard. By then, he saw Dr Henry Thomas walking into his room. "Hello Uncle Henry!"
"Hey Ron! How have you been doing now? Do you have any problems that I can help you out with?" Dr Henry Thomas asked as he seated himself on the couch opposite to Ronnie.
Jayne went and sat beside Ronnie.
"Uncle, I'm getting better. But, the reason I asked you to come today is different." Ronnie expressed.
Before Dr Henry Thomas could speak, Jayne spoke first, "What is it Ron? You never mentioned." She frowned.
The maid came over and served them some tea and snacks.
Ronnie sipped on his tea and turned towards Dr Henry Thomas and explained. "Uncle, we are planning to start a family… Get kids.. I know it's too early to say this… But she's too worried uncle. Please talk to her."
Jayne was thrown off guard. She never expected her husband to call Dr Henry Thomas at a time like this. She apologised to him first. "Uncle, we're sorry to have bothered you now. After Ronnie gets better, we'll personally come over to you and get ourselves checked."
Actually, Ronnie had already discussed about Jayne's traumatic past life with Dr Henry Thomas. So, he knew her physical as well as mental status. Thus, it was the easiest to discuss everything with him.
Ronnie placed his hands over Jayne. "No Jayne, I guess we need to discuss this now. We have to do it some day or the other. We'll do it now."
"Okay Ron and Jayne, listen to me. I wanted to tell this to you from a long time. I guess now is the time for me to tell you two about it." Dr Henry Thomas' mouth set in a hardline.
Ronnie and Jayne looked at each other with a questioning gaze and turned back to look at Dr Henry Thomas.
"What's wrong uncle?" Ronnie's forehead creased. Jayne was also worried. She nibbled on her bottom lip and twisted the wedding ring on her finger.
Dr Henry Thomas began explaining. "As you both know, I've already done a full body checkup on Jayne. You both can come in sometime to my hospital and we'll take this further as it'll be difficult for me to explain everything here."
"Sure doctor. We'll come by once Ronnie gets better." Jayne answered.
They spoke casually for some more time and then Dr Henry Thomas left.
After he left Jayne hugged Ronnie's waist and asked, "Hubby, what if I'm diagnosed with some disease? Since, Dr Henry Thomas was hesitating to tell it to us, probably it must be something related to my pregnancy. What if I really can't have babies Ron?" She hugged him tight.
Ronnie kissed her head, "Silly girl! So what if you can't have babies? What has that got to do with us? I love you and I got married to you for what you are and not so that you'll bear my kids!" He smacked her forehead and then kissed it.
"Ronnie, it's easier said than done. I mean, now we're still young, very much in love. But a few years later, somewhere down the line, you'll definitely want kids. I don't want you to regret later. So I guess…" She couldn't complete her sentence. But she buried her head in his chest.
Ronnie pulled apart from her and looked into her eyes, "Jayne! You're thinking too much into this. Let me make it clear… Even if we can't have kids for this lifetime, it doesn't matter to me in anyway. In fact, I'll be more than happy to be getting all your love and attention..With that, what more can I ask for!" He winked at her.
"Ron!" She smacked his arms. "But hubby, it's not that simple… what about our parents? Of course, mom and dad are waiting to see their grandkids." Her face fell.
"I'm sure even they won't mind wifey.. If they do, we can always adopt a child… Do you mind adopting a kid?" Ronnie questioned her.
"Of course not Ron! I guess adoption is the most noble act one can do. I'll be more than happy to adopt a kid." She finally gave a half smile.
Ronnie pulled her back into his embrace, "You silly girl! Aren't you thinking too much into this? We don't even know what Henry uncle's going to tell us. You're assuming a little too much and dragging me into it as well…" He kissed her forehead.
"But, yes wifey, I told you all of that only because, irrespective of what Henry uncle tells, it won't affect me, our marriage or your relationship with my parents in any which way whatsoever! So, just don't think too much into this. Relax honey…. Now, let's continue from where we stopped…" He slid his hands under her dress and sealed her lips with his…
Very soon it was Saturday.
All the preparations were happening in full swing at Katherine Bradford's house.