The Pride in His Bones Forbade Him From Doing So

The usual formal and composed Fu Huai'an was saying such raw things unabashedly and with a burning gaze. Lin Nuan could almost feel her face burning.

Her heart was almost at her throat ready to leap out of her mouth. Surprisingly… as she listened to these words she would usually consider degenerate, she was so ashamed that her whole body was hot, but she didn't feel any disgust.

"Pervert!" Lin Nuan scorned.

"If you call me a pervert, then what are you? Your body clearly enjoys how I treat you, so why is your mouth betraying you?"

Fu Huai'an said as he caressed Lin Nuan's body with his large hands, his slender long fingers full of strength, his deep attractive voice more alluring than ever, like an intoxicating siren.