Follow Behind Me

The light was in her eye, and she couldn't see his face. She could only vaguely see that he had a defined face and a cold expression.

The man had short black hair. Sweat covered his army top, which made his shirt stick closely to his compact pecs and abs. He had the bottom of his shirt tucked into his army pants, and a mixture of mud and blood covered the bottom of his army boots.

"Your name is Lin Nuan?"

The man spoke her mother tongue, surprisingly. His deep, resonating voice sounded both solacing and authoritative in that land that reeked of death.

Lin Nuan nodded her head in surprise.

"I came here to pick you and Lu Jiangsi's child up."

He raised his rifle with one hand and tossed the army suit, bulletproof vest, and helmet to her feet and signaled her to put them on.

The battle was over yet they still had no idea where the armed opposition was—who knew whether one would suddenly emerge out of nowhere and take her life.