I Think This Is a Great Idea

Lin Nuan hadn't eaten anything all day and was famished.

She glanced at her phone. There were multiple missed calls from Bai Xiaonian, and Lin Nuan decided to return the call.

"Lin Nuan, where have you been? Did the creep Wang Quan do anything inappropriate?"

The moment the call was connected, she could hear Bai Xiaonian's voice trembling at the other end of the line as if she was about to burst into tears at any moment.

Bai Xiaonian believed that her birth date characters must have clashed with anyone with the surname 'Lu'. She had previously met a jerk by the name 'Lu Jinbei', and she had met another scoundrel 'Lu Jinnan'. The two men were definitely brothers related by blood—they were both wretched and made her blood boil!