Eat Something Before You Sleep

Seeing the box of condoms caused Lin Nuan's face to redden.

It was still in the plastic bag from the pharmacy, so Lin Nuan knew that it was the box that she placed inside Fu Huai'an's car with her own hands!

Fu Huai'an also felt that it ruined the mood to pause in the middle, but he couldn't keep letting Lin Nuan take medicine. They claimed to have little harm to the body, but Fu Huai'an refused to believe it at all.

Fu Huai'an's Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed at the sight of Lin Nuan's unfocused and misty gaze. He lowered his head to kiss Lin Nuan's lips as his hand unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them off before he removed his pants.

He restrained his movements as he lowered his body.

When Lin Nuan woke up, she was already lying on Fu Huai'an's large bed in his embrace.

Seeing Fu Huai'an's sleeping face, her face burned.

Her body felt sticky and sore, even slightly weak from not having eaten anything.