He's a Good-Looker and Can't Be Friends With Those Who Are Ugly

Lu Jinnan understood the importance of the matter, and he had plans in mind. He nodded in agreement. "I know what to do."

Fu Huai'an bowed to put out his cigarette on the ashtray. He told them he was leaving and left the office.

After a failed relationship, Tang Zheng had been overseas for a long time, helping Fu Huai'an run his business. He had heard of the person named Tang Xi, but he had no idea how formidable he was.

"How difficult is he to deal with?" Tang Zheng asked Lu Jinnan, who was sitting opposite him. Lu Jinnan was frowning and puffing on a cigarette.

Lu Jinnan furrowed his brows even tighter, put out his cigarette, and said, "Well, how should I put it? He's the sort who won't play by the rules…"

"For example?"