Miss Lin, You're Awake!

There was no doubt that using the information would affect Fu Huai'an to a certain extent. Lin Nuan was worried about him.

Fu Huai'an remained silent for a moment before saying, "If it does affect me… are you not going to save your father and second uncle?"

Suddenly, it felt as though something heavy was weighing on Lin Nuan's chest. She was in a huge dilemma. If it truly would affect Fu Huai'an, she didn't want to use the information. But… what if it was the only way to save her father and second uncle?

"Lin Nuan…" Fu Huai'an said, "However this may affect me, nothing matters more than your father's life. You had two fathers, and you've already lost one, you can't lose your father again."

Lin Nuan held back tears. She wanted to thank him but couldn't bring herself to say it.

Listening to the torrential rain, she felt an immense sense of gratitude, but she was also on tenterhooks.