How Shameless Are You?

She was around twenty-eight and soaking wet. Her long curly hair stuck to her face and slim body, making her look quite indecent.

Her makeup was smeared—yet her defined features were still visible underneath the mess.

She watched the scene inside the window, feeling a mix of desperation and hatred. She grasped onto her phone tightly and kept dialing the same number. All she heard was the same robotic and cold voice at the other end, saying that the number she called wasn't available.

Lu Qili wanted to march to Fu Huai'an's door and ring the doorbell to ask him why he fired her. What did she do wrong? She was the best in the company! And the only one who was the most devoted towards him!

Was it because of the woman next to him?

The conversation she had with Lu Jinnan in the office that afternoon kept replaying itself in her head…