Too Perfect a Match

Knowing that Lin Nuan and Fu Huai'an would come together only because Gu Hanyan went to find Lin Nuan, many things became difficult to speak of.

Finally, Wen Moshen spoke first, but instead of asking Lin Nuan whether she had gone to Iraq for him, he only managed to say "thank you" to Fu Huai'an.

His calm voice nearly broke, his throat seemed to be choked up, and his stomach was in great pain.

"If there's nothing else, we'll be on our way first…"

During the conversation, Fu Huai'an put his hand around Lin Nuan's waist as they stood next to each other. They looked like a strikingly matching couple.

Wen Moshen was silent as he furrowed his eyebrows. Fu Huai'an had already taken over the heavy Tuan Tuan from Lin Nuan's hands. He held Lin Nuan's slender and beautiful fingers in one hand, nodded to him lightly, and walked down the steps with ease and grace.

"Brother Moshen, we're leaving…"