Why Did You Bring This Over!

After thinking for a long time, Lin Nuan still didn't know how to bring it up with Fu Huai'an.

She still had too little experience in this area; coupled with her personality of being slow to warm up to others. She wasn't able to be straightforward and direct with Fu Huai'an regarding the matters of sex. Instead, she always paced around the topic.

Despite this, Lin Nuan's face still turned red, and her heartbeat sped up.

Fu Huai'an's gaze shifted away from Tuan Tuan onto Lin Nuan's clean and slightly red face, waiting for her to continue.

"Tuan Tuan is still young, and so am I…" said Lin Nuan. She pursed her lips before continuing to say, "So, I think even if we want a child, we should wait another few years to do so… Should we make sure to have protection every time we do it, just in case of any accidents?"