Fu Huai'an and His Art of Talking

Heart lightly aching, her finger pressed upon the scarred spot closest to his heart. She knew that this spot was nearly fatal. Her eyes warmed, and she grew emotional. "I've always wanted to ask, why are there so many scars on your body? Are they all from your time in the army?"

Afraid she would be unable to hold back her tears, Lin Nuan didn't look up.

She had once read an article about the special forces. The author had said, "There is no such thing as things going smoothly, only people who trudge on while bearing your burden."

She could understand…

Even if she didn't see the scars on Fu Huai'an, back in Iraq, she had already experienced it.

At that point in time, although unacquainted, Fu Huai'an had given up his bulletproof vest and helmet to her.

The scars on Fu Huai'an were largely left behind from his undercover days.

Fu Huai'an was neither willing nor able to tell Lin Nuan about those dark tales.