I Have Never Cared So Much for a Person Before!

Mu Mantong smiled at Lu Qingmei. She had deep dimples on both sides of her fair cheeks, so she looked especially sweet when she smiled, making one feel very comfortable when looking at her.

Mu Mantong wasn't a fool; she had already sensed that something wasn't right when she arrived at the Fu manor this morning.

Putting aside the fact that Fu Tianci hadn't appeared at all, there were also two guards on watch outside his room.

She tried to find out where Fu Tianci was from the servants who brought meals to her. However, the servants merely stuttered and said that he was in the manor and didn't say anything else!

Mu Mantong and Fu Tianci met previously, and it could be said that they had gotten along quite well. It was just that Fu Tianci had made it clear that he had no intention of getting engaged to Mu Mantong. It wasn't because Mu Mantong's legs weren't well!