She Can’t Be the Only One Enjoying All the Good Things on Earth!

Fu Tianci stood there, waiting for Fu Huai'an's reply, but Fu Huai'an merely stared back at him quietly, making Fu Tianci all the more nervous.

"I wanted to say, why don't we keep my mother's share, and I'll give the rest to you! Don't… don't leave the Kaide Corporation!" The usually sharp-tongued Fu Tianci suddenly found himself fumbling for words.

Fu Tianci felt uneasy; he had always felt like he was taking things that belonged to Fu Huai'an.

Today, when he heard Fu Huai'an announce that he was going on a long leave, he had originally not thought much of it. All these years, Fu Huai'an had been slogging away for the Kaide Corporation and never had a chance to properly take a break, so it was reasonable for him to want to take a break this time.

However, later, it was Mu Mantong who told him that Fu Huai'an abruptly announcing he was going to take a long vacation might not be so simple—Fu Huai'an might be leaving the Kaide Corporation for good!