Solely on the Receiving End of the Punches...

"Would I be disrupting your and Lin Nuan's rest?"

"Xiao Nuan is already asleep, so just keep it down…"

Nodding, Lu Jinnan entered the room.

"The lighter's on the table," Fu Huai'an said as he closed the door.

Only a floor lamp was on in the living room. Fu Huai'an saw Lu Jinnan frowning as he lit up his cigarette, so he asked, "Made Bai Xiaonian angry?"

Lu Jinnan frowned even harder. He took a long drag on his cigarette, then shook his head amidst the swirling white smoke. "Not that serious…"

Although Lu Jinnan spoke casually, his temples were throbbing. He rubbed his temples with the cigarette in hand, but that didn't relieve his headache.

Fu Huai'an only said that Bai Xiaonian was a good lady. Although her temper wasn't fantastic, that flaw didn't negate all of her good points…