I Don't Have Any Special Gifts

Although he hadn't spoken with Lin Nuan, Fu Huai'an could sense Lin Nuan's nervousness. Her little hand was holding on tightly to her own coat, and even though she was asleep, she didn't release that hold by even a little.

Lin Nuan was probably too tired. Otherwise, she would definitely have stayed up until he arrived.

Pulling this little woman into his embrace, Lin Nuan wasn't the only one who felt a sense of stability—Fu Huai'an felt it too.

Fu Huai'an almost went crazy after losing Lin Nuan!

Fu Huai'an, who always had everything all worked out, never imagined that one day he too would be helpless and at a loss as to what to do.

Fu Huai'an closed his eyes, tightening his embrace of the thin woman in his arms.

Perhaps because Fu Huai'an was holding her too tightly, Lin Nuan, who was asleep, felt an uncomfortable sensation; her nostrils let out two soft sounds that indicated she felt terrible, and her body also lightly struggled.