So She Liked This!

Lin Ran carried her things and followed Lin Nuan, her heart beating rapidly…

It had been so many years, and she had no idea what Ji Yun would look like now!

In Lin Ran's memory, Ji Yun always tied her hair up in a low ponytail, but her hair was messy and as dry as a weed. Also, there was always filth on her face…

Only right after a shower would Ji Yun's hair appear smoother, and her face cleaner.

Lin Ran tried hard to recall Ji Yun's clean facial features, but she couldn't. It was like she had never seen it before.

Perhaps, the most vivid memory of Ji Yun in Lin Ran's heart was that of a typical lunatic. The way she looked clean and fresh after a shower… was such a blurry memory that she couldn't even put together the silhouette of such an image.

The door opened, and a middle-aged woman in a white nurse uniform welcomed them. She smiled and addressed Fu Huai'an and Lin Nuan as Sir and Madam, then nodded at Lin Ran. "How do you do, Miss Lin…"