What Nonsense Are You Spouting?

Fu Huai'an had a glass of honey water in his hand, and his hair was still dripping wet. His eyes darkened. "I saw that you were sleeping soundly, so I went to the guest room to shower! And I helped you get some water while I was downstairs…"

As he spoke, Fu Huai'an entered the room and casually placed the cup on the drawers next to the wall. He then carried Lin Nuan in bridal style.

"I was going to let you shower, but I decided to let you sleep a little more!"

Fu Huai'an carried Lin Nuan back to the bed and passed her the honey water as he sat by the bed. "Drink some water. I'll help you shower later…"

The honey had a slight minty taste to it and relieved Lin Nuan's burning throat, though her sore arms shook as she sipped the honey water.

Fu Huai'an held the bottom of the cup and lifted it for Lin Nuan as and when she needed him to.