A Brain Is a Wonderful Thing... I Hope You Guys Have It!

Zhang Ruomin turned and left the stage. Her video journalist very politely said goodbye to Lin Nuan, the director, Fu Huai'an, and Miss Xia before leaving too.

Peng Yanzhi had wanted to chase after Zhang Ruomin but was afraid the cat would be let out of the bag, so she could only stand there with her fingers clenched, like a helpless little sheep, having none of the arrogance she had displayed in front of Lin Nuan earlier.

Miss Xia wasn't prepared for this sudden change of guest, but thankfully, as a married couple, there was a chemistry between Fu Huai'an and Lin Nuan, so Miss Xia felt that they might be able to pull it off by cramming.

Miss Xia gazed at Lin Nuan. "I'm preparing the script now, just give me half an hour. Based on the chemistry between the two of you, can you get ready within that time?"

"Miss Xia, don't worry!" Fu Huai'an smiled.

As she listened to Fu Huai'an and Miss Xia's dialogue, Lin Nuan felt herself getting nervous.