They Got Married?

She would always worry for them, afraid they might be duped or bullied.

Just now, Cen Mo didn't interrupt Song Yao and Lin Nuan's conversation either. After he changed his clothes, he happened to see Tuan Tuan dragging Lin Nuan up the stairs.

Cen Mo, who was fixing his sleeves, lowered his gaze and looked at the fair Tuan Tuan in his white sweater, asking jubilantly, "What is Tuan Tuan doing?"

"Changing clothes!"

The little one spoke those two words with good articulation. Lin Nuan, who was dragged up the stairs, brushed shoulders with Cen Mo.

Watching as the little one went up the stairs, Cen Mo smiled and retracted his gaze. When he walked to the living room, the smile in his eyes still didn't dissipate. "Done talking?"

Song Yao nodded. Not wanting Cen Mo to ask what she and Lin Nuan were talking about, she said, "You're really fond of Tuan Tuan…"