Fu Huai’an Had Already Arrived

Those who failed to understand that would be inextricably bogged down by their worries of what others would say about them!

Fang Yan's mother was such a person…

It was said that a kind mother would bring up children dutiful to their family. But because of her fear of incurring gossip, Fang Yan's mother acted at the beck and call of her unreasonable and gossipy mother-in-law!

When Fang Yan's paternal grandmother was hospitalized, Fang Yan's mother had waited upon her dutifully around the clock, to the point that even the granny beside Fang Yan's grandmother in the ward had thought that Fang Yan's mother was her birth daughter. That granny sighed and said that Old Madam Fang had a good daughter, and only then did the latter say in an embarrassed manner that it was her daughter-in-law!