She Should Be Able to Drive Gu Qingcheng to His Death, Right?

She looked at her pale reflection in the taxi's window, not knowing if she'd frighten Zhou Yuchen if she were to appear before him in this state.

Yun Liuli sighed. This time around, she had driven herself into a dead end.

However, after looking at it from a different perspective, she felt that it was good for things to be this way as well. At the very least, it was better than continuing to be "family" with Gu Qingcheng.

Through the rearview mirror, Yun Liuli saw the silvery gray Volkswagen car that had been following her. She knew that Gu Qingcheng had sent those people to follow her.

She leaned back, closing her sore and swollen eyes.

Her phone, which she was holding in her hand, vibrated slightly. Yun Liuli slid to unlock her phone. It was a WeChat message from Zhou Yuchen.

'Zhou Yuchen: Have you arrived? What do you want to have for breakfast?'

Yun Liuli hesitated for a moment before replying…