Only Be Able to Fall Asleep Holding His Younger Sister’s Hand at Night!

How could Zhou Yuchen be staying in such a good location!

Guan Nina went to the address Zhong Qingfei gave her. When she got to Zhou Yuchen's door, she realized the door was merely closed and not locked. The lights inside weren't even turned on!

It was raining outside, and it was pitch-black inside the house, giving one a sinister feeling. Guan Nina felt rather scared.

She gently pushed open the door. She stood at the door and tightly clutched her bag as she called out, "Hello, is anyone home? I'm Guan Nina… Zhou Yuchen's classmate. Is Zhou Yuchen home?"

There were no signs of life inside the large and dark room. The curtains were drawn shut, and no light entered… Guan Nina was afraid of the dark and timid to begin with. She felt like a big monster lived inside, giving her the creeps, so she didn't dare walk into the house.