Gu Qingcheng, That Big Liar!

"Nothing…" Gu Qingcheng gently stroked Yun Liuli's head and said softly to her, "It's just that I suddenly remembered something to do with work. It's nothing to do with you. Go to bed first!"

Yun Liuli naturally reached out and grabbed Gu Qingcheng's hand, shaking it in a coquettish manner. "Then… Uncle Qingcheng, sleep with me, okay? I'm scared to sleep alone…"

Seeing no response from Gu Qingcheng, Yun Liuli shook Gu Qingcheng's arm again, her voice soft like a little kitten. "Uncle Qingcheng…"

"You go to bed first. I'll come after taking a puff!" Gu Qingcheng raised his slim and long fingers that were holding a cigarette as he spoke to Yun Liuli.

"I'll wait here while Uncle Qingcheng smokes then!" Yun Liuli revealed an innocent smile, then said, "Uncle Qingcheng is wonderful. Daddy wouldn't allow me to pester him like this. I'm scared at night and always want to sleep with Daddy, but I can't sleep with him every day…"