It Must Be an Important Matter

Lin Nuan shook her head. "Tomorrow will be a time that we ladies and the children have fun together!"

Fu Huai'an didn't push it. "Alright…"

"Wash your hands, and let's eat!" Lin Nuan said to Tuan Tuan, "Tuan Tuan… you can continue with your drawing after dinner. Go change your clothes and have dinner!"

"Alright!" Tuan Tuan docilely put aside his paintbrush.

"I heard from Xiaonian that Lu Jinnan has been staying at her place…" Lin Nuan couldn't hold back her smile.

Fu Huai'an smiled and nodded.

"I didn't expect that there'd be such a day for Lu Jinnan as well!" Lin Nuan wasn't gloating over Lu Jinnan's misfortune, she just found it amazing that there would be a day where a proud person like Lu Jinnan would be willing to lower his stand to such a degree.

In Lin Nuan's impression, Lu Jinnan had only lowered his stand at the hospital for that few days when Lin Nuan thought that he had raped Bai Xiaonian.