Are you kidding me?

Bai Xiaonian was led upstairs by Lu Jinnan. With one hand on the railing, she asked, "I don't want to go out to walk in the afternoon. Can I walk on the treadmill at home? It's too hot outside, okay?"

"The treadmill is too dangerous! Be good… let's walk outside!"

As Mrs. Lu's tummy grew bigger, Mr. Lu practically stayed by her side, unless the company really needed him to be present at a meeting.

Cai Jingyao had initially thought that since she was competing with someone as high profile as Su Manman, even if Fu Huai'an wasn't there, Lu Jinnan, as the president, should at least be present during the shooting of the commercial.

However, only when Cai Jingyao arrived at the studio did she realize that neither had the chairman, Fu Huai'an, nor the president, Lu Jinnan, come to the set.