Stop Following Me

Lin Nuan stood in front of the counter, peeling a fruit. She was in a good mood as she looked at the two innocent kids.

Fu Huai'an walked into the kitchen, bringing Lin Nuan's vibrating phone. "Your phone is ringing…"

Lin Nuan placed the fruit and fruit knife on the plate and wiped her hands with a piece of paper towel. She looked at the caller ID and saw it was Su Nian. She answered the call. "Hello… Dr. Su."

"Lin Nuan, I don't know if you have time. I have something to trouble you with," Su Nian said apologetically.

"Dr. Su, what do you think…" Lin Nuan was very grateful to Su Nian. Back then, when Lin Chen was undergoing surgery, Lin Nuan had never forgotten Su Nian's help to pull strings and take care of him. It was just that she hadn't been able to find a chance to repay Su Nian's kindness.