Dumping Her Stuff

The world did not ache for anyone's pain nor change for anyone's absence. The earth kept spinning and the sun rose as normal.

The family welcomed a new Mrs. Mo while watching the old one leave.

Xia Yuwei had the driver and maids bring all her belongings. Standing in the landing, she flung her arms to bathe in winter sunlight, her eyes blinking at the sun from afar.

She was the hostess of the villa from then on. The thought again arched her lip and graced it with pride.

Wu Xiaomin and Lin Yanyan, two maids at the Mos, were sent on the unpacking assignment.

The two teenage girls only finished high school before they had to make a living of their own. They weren't very thrilled about the assignment but had to swallow their grievances, their lips pulled tight in a flat line.

They cleaned the bedroom while clearing things out.