Your Ex-Wife Is Mine

The air crackled with explosive energy as the two men looked at each other. 

One pair of eyes was bloodshot and spitting fire, while the other was cold and terrifyingly sinister.

Ye Hao stepped through the door and his irritated face was now filled with suspicion and rage.

"He Xiyan, who is he?" He looked at the shocked woman on the sofa and pointed at Mo Yixuan like an angry husband who had caught his wife in the bed of another man. He was enraged and so was the man he was pointing at.

He Xiyan finally recognized Ye Hao. She bowed her head and played with her fingers, her heart beating wildly.

She stood up and glanced at both men, then turned away.

"He is my ex…" She had yet to finish her sentence before she fell into a manly embrace.

"I'm her husband. Who the hell are you?" Mo Yixuan gripped her shoulders tightly as he staked his claim.