She Would Raise The Child Alone

The sun continued to rise and set and in a blink of an eye, the chilly winter had given way to the muggy summer. People started to wear fewer clothes and the people who walked on the streets all held umbrellas, not to shelter themselves from the rain but to keep the scorching rays of the sun at bay.

In a tall building.

He Xiyan was dressed in a blue maternity dress. She was now 35 weeks (8 months) pregnant and her belly had grown very big. Furthermore, due to her petite size, it made her belly seem even bigger. Her loose dress was unable to hide her pregnant belly.

She sat in her office signing several documents, including her maternity leave application form. After she had completed all these administrative documents, she was due to take close to five months off to care for the baby.

"Have you completed all the forms?" The director of the design department, Liang Chen, walked toward her and gave her a pat on the shoulder.