Finally Here, My Grandchild

Unassured at home, Xiyan kept bombing Mingyu with texts urging him to keep her pregnancy a definite secret. Only until he made the serious promise over and over again was she able to breathe a sigh of relief.

The place felt lonely, as usual, for she didn't know any other neighbor except Hao, who's also the only friend she had in this city.

After cooking herself rice porridge for dinner, she decided to do a home cleanup. Wiping the floor of every room, she was soon soaked with sweat in less than half an hour. It was not easy for a pregnant woman to do even the normal housekeeping. Most would be doing nothing but lying in bed at her stage, but she couldn't. She needed to do everything herself.

Sometimes the fear for premature labor would instantly seize her - what if no one was around to take her to hospital?