Ye Sr.

October, Ye City had entered the late autumn. The autumn wind was soughing, the trees at the roadside rustling in the wind, soon, the ground was covered by the fallen leaves.

A black Rolls-Royce parked at the parking lot of the Renmin Hospital of the city. Mo Yixuan and his wife, Xia Yuwei got out from the car, took off their black sunglasses, and tidied up their clothes. One of them holding the flowers, while the other carrying a basket of fruits and they walked to the hospital.

Xia Yuwei pursed her shiny red lips with a look of reluctance.

"Yixuan, why should we visit the old man in the hospital, we could ask the company staff to deliver these." Xia Yuwei took her husband's arm, she got nauseous when she thought about the thick smell of disinfectant that spreading in the hospital, and the haggard faces of the cancer patients. Besides, it's just an old man who wasn't their relative got hospitalized, was it necessary?