He Had An Accident

In the morning, she wheeled the baby carriage beside the artificial lake in the residential area for a walk, Yuanyuan was 2-month-old and he was waving his hand. The baby had grew up a lot to a dozen pounds. He had a smooth skin, he was adorable and his eyes were shining bright like an obsidian.

She reached out her phone, she took a photo Yuanyuan who cracked a smile.

She sent the photo to Ye Hao.

There were many new born babies in the residential area, the mothers who were breastfeeding like her often came here for a walk. As time passes, they were familiar with each other, and often sharing their parenting experiences together.

"Ah! Is his Yuanyuan?" A mother walked towards with a baby carriage, her name was Ally, she was a mixed-blood. Her daughter who almost turned 1 year old was sitting inside the baby carriage and playing with a teddy bear.