An Unreasonable Woman

Early in the morning, the first rays of dawn broke into an elegant master bedroom.

A young couple lay on a cream-colored European leather bed. They slept side by side and breathed evenly. The light down blanket was twisted in odd angles and a corner of the bedsheets had fallen onto the floor. Clothes were scattered in front of the bed, and there were both men's and women's clothing.

It was obvious from the scene what kind of intimacy had occurred in this room the night before.

Xia Yuwei stuck out her fair arms and narrow shoulders from the blanket and she was not wearing a stitch of clothing.

She yawned twice, then curled her feet up and lay in the man's arms like a small cat, her face against his sturdy chest.

The man was awakened by her sudden movement.

He frowned, then sat up to glance at the European-styled clock on the wall. It showed that the time was 7:20 AM. He then looked toward the window and saw the morning light spilling in.