I Won’t Let Them Hurt You

He Xiyan immediately retracted her hand from his, as though she had been electrocuted. A faint blush stained her cheeks and she looked a little embarrassed.

"Your brother?" She looked at Ye Hao in confusion. She knew that he had two half-brothers from his father's side of the family but he had been hospitalized for many days now and she didn't see them visiting at all. So why would they visit today?

Ye Hao's eyes narrowed slightly and a film of ice dissolved the earlier warmth in his eyes.

He waved at the bodyguards.

"Send them away. Tell them I don't want to see them," He said coldly and bluntly, with a hint of anger.

He Xiyan shuddered slightly when she heard his words and she became even more confused.

She looked at Ye Hao's expression and wondered if the rumors online were true – did his younger brother truly mean him harm?