How Unlucky Could I Be

She entered Ye Hao's room and opened the closet. Sure enough, her clothes were all placed inside the closet.

Other than her own clothes, there were still many brand new clothes with their tags still attached to them. There were seven or eight sets of pajamas alone, and there were also sweaters, winter coats, pants, scarves, and countless other clothing items.

These were all clothing from the major international brands so each item was very expensive.

He Xiyan felt incredibly pressurized when she saw this closet bursting with clothes and this pressure left her feeling breathless.

He had never sought her opinion on moving over, so why did he move her things without her consent?

She turned around and noticed that this room had been redecorated. The dark grey carpet had been switched out to a warm cream-colored carpet and even the bedsheets have been changed to a warm yellow color.