She Was Going To Jump

New Year's Day had passed and it was another new year. The snow melted these days, it was clearing up, the people of Ye City had come out for activities. The square was sounded the familiar square dance music, a group of elderly women were singing and dancing in a highly delighted mood.

The peace of singing and dancing didn't include the Mo family.

The Mo family had been stirred into a tempest.

The police car had arrived one by one, even the fire engine.

A growing crowd of onlookers pointed at the woman at the rooftop.

Li Qin stamped her feet in anxious at the entrance, her fingers with the mobile phone trembled, her face turned terribly pale.

"Yixuan, please excuse yourself in the meeting, come back right now! Hurry up!" She shouted at her son on the phone, she hurried him many times and her heart pounded so fast as it was about to burst.

She put down her mobile phone, grabbed the arm of the police beside her.