It Was Her Again

Didn't know how long she had been in a daze on the balcony, until the baby's sad cries came from the second floor and she woke up suddenly.

She went downstairs hurriedly.

Yuanyuan was very well-behaved and hardly cried, he only cried loudly a few times when he got sick.

What happened to my baby?

He Xiyan turned her face terribly pale in anxious suddenly, she had quicken her steps, she almost ran over there.

As soon as she reached the baby room, she saw the tall, thin figure of a woman she had seen in the hospital. It's Dai Manni, Ye Yi's wife.

"Yuanyuan..." He Xiyan ran over in a hurry.

The woman still holding Yuanyuan with her mouth murmured, it seemed like she was trying to coax him.

Yuanyuan cried fiercely with his face covered in tears, he looked pitifully.

"Give me the child." He Xiyan was nearly shouted at her, reached out to grab Yuanyuan from her arms.

Dai Manni smiled embarrassingly at He Xiyan.