I Think I’ll Just Draw You

At night, the castle was very quiet, away from the bustling city, it had the tranquillity of countryside at night.

He Xiyan came out from the bathroom with a pink bathrobe which reached to her ankles, she almost wrapped herself like a rice dumpling, she put on a pair of light-coloured fuzzy slipper, stepped on the soft carpet silently.

Once she came out, she saw Ye Hao sat in front of the computer desk with his hands flying fast on the keyboard. He had finished washing up, wearing a bathrobe with the same style as her, but his was dark blue.

He frowned with his eyes blazing like torches, he was completely focused on the matters he dealt with, he couldn't even aware of the woman stood behind him.

He Xiyan could see a large network map on the screen from a distance, there were buildings like a stronghold on it.