Money Transferred to a Stranger

As she fed her grandson, she thought back to the seven-month-old child that she saw in the hospital recently, that child who looked eerily similar to her son. Unfortunately, that child was someone else's child and was not her grandson.

Xia Yuwei arrived at the door and looked at her son but she did not reach out to hold him. She especially hated it when her son got into one of his crying fits which only annoyed her even more.

She dug out her phone and couldn't help but send her husband a text message.

"When would you be home? Let's talk."

She sent the text out but just like previous texts she sent, Mo Yixuan did not respond.

She sent more than a dozen text messages but he did not respond to a single one and did not even send an emoticon. He did was not even picking up her calls.

He was much colder than he ever was before.