Clear About Her Whereabouts

In the evening, Mo Yixuan returned home on time. In fact, he was seldom off-duty on time. Today was an exception because his mother and children were back.

Mo's house, reigned in coldness and desolation for several days, finally coming back to life a little. Some servants, drivers and security guards had arrived. The family recovered to its normal condition. However, it remained a pity that the woman who had lived here for three years would never come back.

Mo Yixuan heard the cry of the little baby the moment he came into the house. He took the baby from the wet nurse and gently patted him on the back.

The baby stopped crying at once as if he had recognized his father. The baby raised his small hand and hit Mo Yixuan on the shoulder.

The eight-month-old Mo Ye looked like a big baby and grew to be much more lovely.

"yi, ya..." He kept babbling.

The nanny came up right away with a bright smile.