Invite Him To Dinner

Those delegates sent by Huayang went back with gloomy face. Failing to complete their task, none of them was happy.

"How could Mo Yixuan be so arrogant! We came together, but he did not even meet us. Instead, he asked Boss Ye to meet him. Who does he think he is?" One manager of the marketing department said with great displeasure.

It's uncomfortable to be ignored.

Another senior official also said:

"They simply got a big project, didn't they? How dare Tianyu compare themselves with Ye Group?

"Exactly, how dare they?" Huayang has long remained the largest real estate development company in Ye City.

"The thought of this is irritating. I bet Boss Ye must be pissed off on hearing this."

"So are we really going to miss this project?"

On the way back, these Huayang delegates kept discussing, all of them filled with indignation.

Back to the company, they reported to Ye Hao what had happened today.