Were You Afraid Of Being Exposed By Me?

Outside the castle, the safety guards on duty stopped their car. Li Qin had to get out of the car.

"I'd like to see He Xiyan. Please go in and tell her." Li Qin said unhappily, a face pulled long, even forgetting that she came today to ask for help.

The security guard did not know who she was. Since she looked like about 50 years old, he took her as some relative of Miss He. So he did not make things difficult for her, simply going straight in to tell her.

He Xiyan came back home at one or two in the morning. Ye Hao was still in the hospital. Afraid that she could not sleep well in the hospital, he insisted that the driver take her home.

Pregnant for nine weeks, she was in extreme need for sleep. Therefore, he hadn't got up yet.

It was not until Qin Xiaoyu called her that she woke up.

"Sister He, there is a woman outside, about fifty years old. She wants to see you. Will you go to meet her?"