Bear Child For Another Family

Not receiving any response, Li Qin went on shouting and screaming outside while continuously shaking the iron gate. Suddenly, she regretted her bad attitude towards He Xiyan just now. She might have gone so far that He Xiyan did not even talk to her now. She was indeed anxious, however. She had just one son. Any bad thing happening to her son would leave her unable to live alone.

More and more anxious, Li Qin continued shouting the name of He Xiyan outside. Not knowing how long has past, Li Qin was still there shouting, until a maid in the castle, who could not stand any more, ran out.

"What are shouting for, mad woman! If you continued shouting here and disturbing Miss He and her conceived baby, believe it or not, our security guards would throw you out directly to feed the dog." It was Menglin who scolded. She was in a bad mood today. Worse still, the old witch cried out loud here, which made her even more depressed and restless.