You Were Not Like This When You Are A Little Child

"Let's meet. I'll be waiting for you here at three in the afternoon."

He Xiyan texted back a message, followed by an address, which was the location of a coffee house besides Chengxi Namu River.

After that, she put the cell phone back to its original position. After all, electronic products had radiation. She couldn't take it with her all the time. Meanwhile, she didn't know how brilliant the man's smile was when she sent out this message.

Moyixuan finally got up, as if doped. His eyes suddenly radiated with light, and his face suddenly brightened, the haze over these days swept away totally.

Coming to the dining hall downstairs, he gobbled down the noodles his mother had cooked for him.

With his good appetite, Li Qin also felt reassured a lot.

"Yixuan, is that enough? Would you like some more?" Li Qin didn't know how long had passed before seeing her son recovered to what he was today.