Relatives Come

In the evening, He Xiyan came out of the room and slept for three hours until she was awakened by the alarm set by herself.

Stretching, she slowly got out of bed to have a bath in the bathroom. In the mirror, her face really rounded a lot. She seemed to have gained weight. Today, in the hospital, she weighed and it suggested that she gained 105 jin.

He Xiyan pinched the meat on both sides of her cheeks, having an impulse to pull it off. She was not a beautiful woman. With a small face and beautiful eyes, she looked kind of pure and beautiful. If she was fat, she would be ugly.

Not knowing why, she began to gain weight all over. She remembered that she was very thin when conceiving Yuanyuan, and that she only had gained weight around her stomach. This time, however, her whole body became plumped, only her stomach seeming small.

Was it because she ate too much but didn't exercise or work?